Monday, August 17, 2009

The Room Is Almost Ready!

So my mom and my husband and I spent most of the afternoon at the school getting my room ready today. I was a little stressed about it, because I'm starting from scratch with this alternative project. I was afraid it would take forever, but we were so quick and efficient. The bulletin boards have paper and borders. Expectations, procedures and rewards are posted. Consequences are yet to come when I find out if I can hold detentions or not. The desks are in order. My closet and my desk are stocked and ready to go. I spent the rest of the afternoon cutting out block numbers for a number line at the front of the room.

And why spend so much time making the room look...well...pretty? Because it helps the kids. Even high school students like to see a nicely decorated room. When there are posters and pictures on the walls, it always seems like a more inviting classroom - almost homey. My number one priority is to make my students feel safe and comfortable. Many of the students at the alternative school come from very terrible home situations, just like many of my students in Mississippi. I want them to feel like my classroom is a place where they are respected and safe.

I didn't do anything extravagant in decorating, but at least I don't have bare walls and bulletin boards. As the year goes on, I plan on adding a few more displays for the students, but for now, I think it looks pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you. I personally just graduated high school so I am still in the high school mindset. A decorated classroom always helped me feel more comfortable in a classroom and I was almost able to consentrate and learn better! I hope it works well for you! :)


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