Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Week Reflections

I survived the first week! I think it went very well. I'm getting used to the kids already and they are getting used to me.

My goal for every first week of school is to make students feel comfortable in my classroom and help them achieve something so that they want to come back. I give them assignments and tests that I know they can do well on in that first week, so they can gain confidence in their abilities.

Math is always the subject that kids say they hate. It's the subject that most kids think is the hardest and the most boring. I have to work hard to make them feel like they can do the work and do it well.

I did make my first phone call home this week. I will be making many more calls - positive ones. I make lots of positive phone calls home. The first one was for a boy who wasn't sure if he was going to be able to make it at our new school. He went home on the third day of class and wasn't sure if he was going to come back. He was nervous and having anxiety attacks about doing well. I called him one night. I didn't get anyone, I left a voicemail. I told his mom that I was sorry he was feeling badly about school and hoped he would come back. I told them to email me or call me at school and I would talk with them anytime.

Guess what. Next day, he shows up for school. I couldn't get him to do much, but I knew that just being there was a big step for him. On Friday, not only was he there in class, but he was participating! What a difference a phone call makes.

So the week went well. I've got my lessons planned for next week and tests are graded from Friday. Every single student is starting out my class with an A or a B. That's the way I like it. My goal is to keep it that way for as long as I can. These kids need it.

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