Friday, February 19, 2010

Student Essay

I received this piece in response to the inequality lesson today. Thought I would share it with you readers. Spelling and grammar left as is.

"I believe that these results are true. I say this because the rich are getting richer by Investing or bank accounts. While some barely get buy with enough. Also with the recession now a days some may turn to relatives, shelters, and even loved ones to stay because they can not afford the standards of life. One way I believe we could solve this is by opening up big shopping malls or places to offer jobs to many who have none.

However there is another way I believe we could sovle this. Is by making Education a law. I say this because Education is no thing you can drop and try again. You cant go back 30 yrs and start all over again. Education is pretty much a ticket. This ticket could lead you to making millions, and living the life you dreamed of. But very few take the ticket and end up in sorrowness and poverty.

So will you take the ticket, and be well on your way to the pursuit of happiness? The choice is yours."

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