Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1st Block vs. 4th Block

Today I taught the Following Directions and Taking Notes lesson. I think it went pretty well. I had a few mental hang ups that go along with any new lesson that you teach, but overall, I got the point across. However, I have a different problem.

I am such an awesome teacher by the time I hit 4th block. I am a terrible teacher (relatively) in 1st block. By the time I teach a lesson in 4th block, I'm in the rhythm and I know exactly how to say everything I want to say. How am I supposed to improve for my 1st block class? The poor kids will never get as good instruction as 4th block it seems.

I am really not a morning person. I can get up early and do what needs to be done, but I always function better at night. This is the reason that I will always be up decently late even when I'm tired; I do my best thinking between the hours of 7 and 11 pm. So 1st block is rough for not only the students, but for ME!

The other problem I have is that when I try out new lessons like I did today, I've never had a chance to practice it on anybody. 1st block is my guinea pig class. By the time I get to 4th block, I'm pro. Even 2nd block is better than 1st.

As a disclaimer, 1st block still gets good instruction, I just know that by the time I hit 4th block I am so good at using the exact right words and instructions. By the time I hit 4th block, I've already taught the lesson three times, so 4th block flows so much better tan 1st block.

How do I get that to happen for 1st block?

1 comment:

  1. You're fighting two problems with 1st block - the early hour AND the new lesson. What if you let 1st block be one day behind, so each day you teach 1st block what you taught 4th block the day before. You will still have to fight the early hour in 1st block, but you'll know the lesson so well you can do it in your sleep.

    Jack from


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